V3D Diagram Plugin

Module to produce JSON structure compatible with 3D Force-Directed Graph library JSON input syntax

Why? Because network 3D visualisation is awesome. However, author is not aware of complete application that is capable of displaying produced results utilizing 3D Force-Directed Graph library. There is an attempt to make such an application described in Built-in Diagram Viewer section, but it is very (very) far from being perfect. Hence, if you are aware of better option to visualize data compatible with JSON input syntax please let the author know about it.

Quick start

Nodes and links can be added one by one using add_node and add_link methods

from N2G import v3d_diagramm as create_v3d_diagram

v3d_drawing = create_v3d_diagram()
v3d_drawing.add_link("node-1", "node-2", label="link 1")

After opening and editing produced JSON text file, it might look like this:

    "nodes": [
            "id": "node-1",
            "label": "node-1",
            "color": "green",
            "nodeResolution": 8,
            "data": {}
            "id": "node-2",
            "label": "node-2",
            "color": "green",
            "nodeResolution": 8,
            "data": {}
    "links": [
            "id": "b35ebf8a6eeb7084dd9f3e14ec85eb9c",
            "label": "bla1",
            "source": "node-1",
            "target": "node-2",
            "src_label": "",
            "trgt_label": "",
            "data": {}

Loading graph from dictionary

Graph can be loaded from dictionary data using from_dict method, sample code:

from N2G import v3d_diagramm as create_v3d_diagram

sample_data = {
    'links': [{'data': {}, 'label': 'bla1', 'source': 'node-1', 'src_label': '', 'target': 'node-2', 'trgt_label': ''},
              {'data': {}, 'label': 'bla2', 'source': 'node-1', 'src_label': '', 'target': 'node-3', 'trgt_label': ''},
              {'data': {}, 'label': 'bla3', 'source': 'node-3', 'src_label': '', 'target': 'node-5', 'trgt_label': ''},
              {'data': {}, 'label': 'bla4', 'source': 'node-3', 'src_label': '', 'target': 'node-4', 'trgt_label': ''},
              {'data': {}, 'label': 'bla77', 'source': 'node-33', 'src_label': '', 'target': 'node-44', 'trgt_label': ''},
              {'data': {'cd': 123, 'ef': 456}, 'label': 'bla6', 'source': 'node-6', 'src_label': '', 'target': 'node-1', 'trgt_label': ''}],
    'nodes': [{'color': 'green', 'data': {}, 'id': 'node-1', 'label': 'node-1', 'nodeResolution': 16},
              {'color': 'green', 'data': {}, 'id': 'node-2', 'label': 'node-2', 'nodeResolution': 8},
              {'color': 'blue', 'data': {'val': 4}, 'id': 'node-3', 'label': 'node-3', 'nodeResolution': 8},
              {'color': 'green', 'data': {}, 'id': 'node-4', 'label': 'node-4', 'nodeResolution': 8},
              {'color': 'green', 'data': {}, 'id': 'node-5', 'label': 'node-5', 'nodeResolution': 8},
              {'color': 'green', 'data': {'a': 'b', 'c': 'd'}, 'id': 'node-6', 'label': 'node-6', 'nodeResolution': 8},
              {'color': 'green', 'data': {}, 'id': 'node-33', 'label': 'node-33', 'nodeResolution': 8},
              {'color': 'green', 'data': {}, 'id': 'node-44', 'label': 'node-44', 'nodeResolution': 8},
              {'color': 'green', 'data': {}, 'id': 'node-25', 'label': 'node-25', 'nodeResolution': 8}]

v3d_drawing = create_v3d_diagram()

Loading graph from list

Graph can be loaded from list data using from_list method, sample code:

from N2G import v3d_diagramm as create_v3d_diagram

sample_data_list = [
    {'data': {}, 'label': 'bla1', 'source': {'id': 'node-1', 'nodeResolution': 16}, 'src_label': '', 'target': {'id': 'node-2'}, 'trgt_label': ''},
    {'data': {}, 'label': 'bla2', 'source': 'node-1', 'src_label': '', 'target': 'node-3', 'trgt_label': ''},
    {'data': {}, 'label': 'bla3', 'source': {'id': 'node-3'}, 'src_label': '', 'target': 'node-5', 'trgt_label': ''},
    {'data': {}, 'label': 'bla4', 'source': {'id': 'node-3', 'data': {'val': 4}}, 'src_label': '', 'target': 'node-4', 'trgt_label': ''},
    {'data': {}, 'label': 'bla77', 'source': 'node-33', 'src_label': '', 'target': 'node-44', 'trgt_label': ''},
    {'data': {'cd': 123, 'ef': 456}, 'label': 'bla6', 'source': {'id': 'node-6', 'data': {'a': 'b', 'c': 'd'}}, 'src_label': '', 'target': 'node-1', 'trgt_label': ''}

v3d_drawing = create_v3d_diagram()

Loading existing diagrams

Existing JSON input syntax data can be loaded into V3D plugin for processing and manipulation using sample code:

from N2G import v3d_diagramm as create_v3d_diagram

data = '''{
    "nodes": [
        "id": "id1",
        "name": "name1",
        "val": 1
        "id": "id2",
        "name": "name2",
        "val": 10
    "links": [
            "source": "id1",
            "target": "id2"

v3d_drawing = create_v3d_diagram()

Diagram layout

To arrange diagram nodes in certain way one can use layout method that relies on igraph library to calculate node coordinates in accordance with certain algorithm. List of supported layout algorithms and their details can be found here together with brief description in API Reference section.

Sample code to layout diagram:

from N2G import v3d_diagramm as create_v3d_diagram

sample_data_list = [
    {'data': {}, 'label': 'bla1', 'source': {'id': 'node-1', 'nodeResolution': 16}, 'src_label': '', 'target': {'id': 'node-2'}, 'trgt_label': ''},
    {'data': {}, 'label': 'bla2', 'source': 'node-1', 'src_label': '', 'target': 'node-3', 'trgt_label': ''},
    {'data': {}, 'label': 'bla3', 'source': {'id': 'node-3'}, 'src_label': '', 'target': 'node-5', 'trgt_label': ''},
    {'data': {}, 'label': 'bla4', 'source': {'id': 'node-3', 'data': {'val': 4}}, 'src_label': '', 'target': 'node-4', 'trgt_label': ''},
    {'data': {}, 'label': 'bla77', 'source': 'node-33', 'src_label': '', 'target': 'node-44', 'trgt_label': ''},
    {'data': {'cd': 123, 'ef': 456}, 'label': 'bla6', 'source': {'id': 'node-6', 'data': {'a': 'b', 'c': 'd'}}, 'src_label': '', 'target': 'node-1', 'trgt_label': ''}

v3d_drawing = create_v3d_diagram()
v3d_drawing.layout(algo='kk3d', dx=200, dy=200, dz=200)

Where dx, dy and dz help to set diagram 3d size.

Built-in Diagram Viewer

V3D plugin comes with simple 3d diagram viewer for the purpose of demonstration and to explore produced diagram.

Built in WEB server uses Flask in debug mode, hence not suitable for production use.

To install Flask WEB framework - pip install Flask

Sample code to run built-in WEB server:

from N2G import v3d_diagramm as create_v3d_diagram

sample_data_list = [
    {'data': {}, 'label': 'bla1', 'source': {'id': 'node-1', 'nodeResolution': 16}, 'src_label': '', 'target': {'id': 'node-2'}, 'trgt_label': ''},
    {'data': {}, 'label': 'bla2', 'source': 'node-1', 'src_label': '', 'target': 'node-3', 'trgt_label': ''},
    {'data': {}, 'label': 'bla3', 'source': {'id': 'node-3'}, 'src_label': '', 'target': 'node-5', 'trgt_label': ''},
    {'data': {}, 'label': 'bla4', 'source': {'id': 'node-3', 'data': {'val': 4}}, 'src_label': '', 'target': 'node-4', 'trgt_label': ''},
    {'data': {}, 'label': 'bla77', 'source': 'node-33', 'src_label': '', 'target': 'node-44', 'trgt_label': ''},
    {'data': {'cd': 123, 'ef': 456}, 'label': 'bla6', 'source': {'id': 'node-6', 'data': {'a': 'b', 'c': 'd'}}, 'src_label': '', 'target': 'node-1', 'trgt_label': ''}

v3d_drawing = create_v3d_diagram()
v3d_drawing.run(ip="", "port"=9000)

If all good, browsing to URL should load similar to below 3D diagram:


API reference

API reference for N2G V3D module.

class N2G.plugins.diagrams.N2G_V3D.v3d_diagramm(node_duplicates='skip', link_duplicates='skip')

Class to produce JSON data structure compatible with 3D Force-Directed Graph library JSON input syntax

  • node_duplicates – (str) what to do with node duplicates - skip (default), update or log

  • link_duplicates – (str) what to do with link duplicates - skip (default), update or log

Method to add link between nodes.

  • source – (str) mandatory, source node id

  • target – (str) mandatory, target node id

  • label – (str) link label to display at the center of the link

  • data – (dict) dictionary of key value pairs to add as link data

  • src_label – (str) link label to use next to source node

  • trgt_label – (str) link label to use next to target node

  • id – (str) explicit link identifier to use

  • kwargs – (dict) any additional kwargs to add to link dictionary


If source or target nodes does not exists, they will be automatically created

All labels are optional and substituted with empty values to calculate link id.

By default V3D uses below code to produce MD5 hash digest for link id:

link_tup = tuple(sorted([label, source, target, src_label, trgt_label]))
link_id = hashlib.md5(",".join(edge_tup).encode()).hexdigest()
add_node(id, label='', data=None, color='green', nodeResolution=8, **kwargs)

Method to add node to the diagram.

  • id – (str) mandatory, unique node identifier, usually equal to node name

  • label – (str) node label, if not provided, set equal to id

  • data – (dict) dictionary of key value pairs to add as node data

  • fx – (int) node position on x axis

  • fy – (int) node position on y axis

  • fz – (int) node position on z axis

  • color – (str) node color e.g. blue, default is green

  • nodeResolution – (int) geometric resolution of the node, expressed in how many slice segments to divide the circumference. Higher values yield smoother spheres.

  • kwargs – (dict) any additional kwargs to add to node dictionary as per node styling attributes such as nodeRelSize, nodeOpacity, nodeVal etc.

Method to delete link. Uses link id to search for link to delete, if no id provided uses source, target, label, src_label, trgt_label to calculate edge id.

  • source – (str) source node id

  • target – (str) target node id

  • label – (str) existing link label

  • src_label – (str) link source label

  • trgt_label – (str) link target label

  • id – (str) link identifier to find the link to delete


Method to delete node. Uses node id to search for node to delete.


id – (str) mandatory, unique node identifier


Method to populate self.drawing dictionary with current links and nodes items, return self.drawing dictionary content after that.

dump_file(filename=None, folder='./Output/', json_kwargs=None)

Method to save current diagram to text file in a JSON format.

  • filename – (str) name of the file to save diagram into

  • folder – (str) OS path to folder where to save diagram file, default is ./Output/

  • json_kwargs – (dict) kwargs to use with json.dumps method

If no filename provided, timestamped format used to produce filename, e.g.: Sun Jun 28 20-30-57 2020_output.txt


Method to transform graph data in a JSON formatted string.


kwargs – (dict) kwargs to use with json.dumps method


Method to build graph from dictionary.


data – (dict) dictionary with nodes and link/edges details

Sample data dictionary:

sample_graph = {
    'nodes': [
            'id': 'a',
            'label': 'R1'
            'id': 'b',
            'label': 'somelabel',
            'data': {'description': 'some node description'}
            'id': 'e',
            'label': 'E'
    'edges': [
            'source': 'a',
            'label': 'DF',
            'src_label': 'Gi1/1',
            'trgt_label': 'Gi2/2',
            'target': 'b',
            'url': 'google.com'
    'links': [
            'source': 'a',
            'target': 'e'

Dictionary Content Rules

  • dictionary may contain nodes key with a list of nodes dictionaries

  • each node dictionary must contain unique id attribute, other attributes are optional

  • dictionary may contain edges or links key with a list of edges dictionaries

  • each link dictionary must contain source and target attributes, other attributes are optional


Method to build graph from list.


data – (list) list of link dictionaries

Sample list data:

sample_graph = [
        'source': 'a',
        'label': 'DF',
        'src_label': 'Gi1/1',
        'trgt_label': 'Gi2/2',
        'target': 'b',
        'data': {'vlans': 'vlans_trunked: 1,2,3\nstate: up'}
        'source': 'a',
        'target': {
                'id': 'e',
                'label': 'somelabel',
                'data': {'description': 'some node description'}

List Content Rules

  • each list item must have target and source attributes defined

  • target/source attributes can be either a string or a dictionary

  • dictionary target/source node must contain id attribute and other supported node attributes


By default drawio_diagram object node_duplicates action set to ‘skip’ meaning that node will be added on first occurrence and ignored after that. Set node_duplicates to ‘update’ if node with given id need to be updated by later occurrences in the list.


Method to load JSON input syntax data into diagram plugin, presumably to perform various manipulations.



(str) string of JSON input syntax format

layout(algo='kk3d', dx=100, dy=100, dz=100, **kwargs)

Method to calculate graph layout using Python igraph library

  • algo – (str) name of igraph layout algorithm to use, default is ‘kk3d’. Reference Layout algorithms table below for valid algo names

  • kwargs – (dict) any additional kwargs to pass to igraph Graph.layout method

Layout algorithms

algo name


circle, circular

Deterministic layout that places the vertices on a circle


The Distributed Recursive Layout algorithm for large graphs


Fruchterman-Reingold force-directed algorithm

fr3d, fr_3d

Fruchterman-Reingold force-directed algorithm in three dimensions


Fruchterman-Reingold force-directed algorithm with grid heuristics for large graphs


Kamada-Kawai force-directed algorithm

kk3d, kk_3d

Kamada-Kawai force-directed algorithm in three dimensions

large, lgl, large_graph

The Large Graph Layout algorithm for large graphs


Places the vertices completely randomly


Places the vertices completely randomly in 3D

rt, tree

Reingold-Tilford tree layout, useful for (almost) tree-like graphs

rt_circular, tree

Reingold-Tilford tree layout with a polar coordinate post-transformation, useful for (almost) tree-like graphs

sphere, spherical, circular_3d

Deterministic layout that places the vertices evenly on the surface of a sphere


if 2d layout algorithm called, z axis coordinate set to 0

run(ip: str = '', port: int = 9000, debug: bool = True, dry_run: bool = False) None

Method to run FLASK web server using built-in browser app.

  • ip – IP address to bound WEB server to

  • port – port number to run WEB server on

  • debug – If True run Flask server in debug mode

  • dry_run – (bool) if True, do not start, return status info instead

Method to update link details. Uses link id to search for link to update, if no id provided uses source, target, label, src_label, trgt_label to calculate edge id.

  • source – (str) source node id

  • target – (str) target node id

  • label – (str) existing link label

  • src_label – (str) existing link source label

  • trgt_label – (str) existing link target label

  • new_label – (str) new link label to replace existing label

  • new_src_label – (str) new link source label to replace existing source label

  • new_trgt_label – (str) new link target label to replace existing target label

  • data – (dict) dictionary of key value pairs to update link data

  • url – (str) url string to save as link url attribute

  • id – (str) link identifier to find the link to update

  • kwargs – (dict) any additional kwargs to update link dictionary

update_node(id, data=None, **kwargs)

Method to update node details. Uses node id to search for node to update

  • id – (str) mandatory, unique node identifier

  • data – (dict) data argument/key dictionary content to update existing values

  • kwargs – (dict) any additional arguments to update node dictionary