N2G CLI Tool

This tool allows to use N2G module capabilities from command line interface.

To produce diagram, N2G will need source data to work with, for data plugins source data usually comes in the form of directories structure with text files containing show commands output for devices.

After source data provided, CLI tool need to know what it needs to do, hence next comes the options of various Data Plugins, such as L2 - layer 2 data plugin.

And finally, results need to be saved somewhere on the local file system using filename and folder options.

Supported options:

Parsing order is: CDP/LLDP (L2)  => IP => OSPF => ISIS

-d,   --data         OS path to data folder with files or file
-of,  --out-folder   Folder where to save result, default ./Output/
-fn,  --filename     Results filename, by default filename based on current time
-m,   --module       Module to use - yed, drawio or v3d
-ipl, --ip_lookup    Path to CSV file for IP lookups, first column header must be ``ip``
--no-data            Do not add any data to links or nodes
--layout             Name of iGraph layout algorithm to run for the diagram e.g. "kk", "tree" etc.
--log-level          Logging level, default is ``ERROR``
--port               Port number to run viewer server (V3D, yED) on, default is 9000
--ip                 IP address to run viewer server (V3D, yED) on, default is ````

V3D Module arguments:
--run                Run built in test web server to display topology instead of saving to file

XLSX data adapter. -d should point to ".xlsx" spreadsheet file.
-nt,     --node-tabs           Comma separate list of tabs with nodes data
-lt,     --link-tabs           Comma separate list of tabs with links data
-nm,     --node-headers-map    JSON dictionary structure for node headers translation
-lm,     --link-headers-map    JSON dictionary structure for link headers translation

CDP and LLDP L2 Data Plugin options:
-L2                 Parse CDP and LLDP data
-L2-add-lag         Add LAG/M-LAG information and delete member links
-L2-group-links     Group links between nodes
-L2-add-connected   Add all connected nodes
-L2-combine-peers   Combine CDP/LLDP peers behind same interface
-L2-platforms       Comma separated list of platforms to parse

IP Data Plugin:
-IP                 Parse IP subnets
-IP-group-links     Group links between nodes
-IP-lbl-intf        Add interfaces names to link labels
-IP-lbl-vrf         Add VRF names to link labels
-IP-add-arp         Add ARP cache IPs to the diagram

OSPF LSDB Data Plugin:
-OSPF               Diagram OSPFv2 LSDB data
-OSPF-add-con       Add connected subnets to diagram

ISIS LSDB Data Plugin:
-ISIS               Diagram ISIS LSDB data
-ISIS-add-con       Add connected subnets to diagram

yED SVG Viewer:
--yed-svg-viewer    Run yED SVG Viewer
--diagrams-dir      OS Path to directory with diagrams svg files

V3D Diagram Viewer:
--v3d-viewer        Run V3D JSON files viewer
--diagram-file      OS Path to JSON file with diagram data

Sample Usage

To make L2 (CDP and LLDP) diagram in yEd format and save it into ./Output/diagram_1.graphml file grouping L2 links:

n2g -d ./path/to/data/ -m yed -L2 -L2-group-links -fn diagram_1.graphml -of ./Output/