V3D Diagrams Viewer

V3D (Vasturiano 3D) Diagrams Viewer allows to start simple Flask WEB UI application to visualize network data in 3D using force-3d-graph library.

This viewer needs to have Flask installed:

pip install flask

Flask installed as part of full extras as well.

First, produce JSON file using N2G V3D diagram module using preferred data plugin, L2 in this case:

N2G -d ./Data/ -m v3d -L2 -fn sample_v3d_viewer_file

Next, run V3D viewer application using N2G CLI tool:

N2G --v3d-viewer --diagram-file Output/sample_v3d_viewer_file.txt

Access WEB UI application via URL using your browser. It should look similar to this:


By default Flask server starts and listens on all operating system interfaces, but specific IP address and port number can be specified as required using --ip and --port N2G CLI arguments.

Where sample_v3d_viewer_file.txt file content should contain JSON data conforming to force-3d-graph input JSON syntax format for example:

    "nodes": [
            "id": "id1",
            "name": "name1",
            "id": "id2",
            "name": "name2",
    "links": [
            "source": "id1",
            "target": "id2"