CLI OSPFv2 LSDB Data Plugin

CLI OSPFv2 LSDB Data Plugin can process network devices CLI output of OSPFv2 LSDB content to populate N2G drawing with OSPF topology nodes and links.

CLI output from devices parsed using TTP Templates into a dictionary structure.

After parsing, results processed further to form a dictionary of nodes and links keyed by unique nodes and links identifiers wit values being nodes dictionaries and for links it is a list of dictionaries of links between same pair of nodes. For nodes OSPF RID used as a unique ID, for links it is sorted tuple of source, target and label keys’ values. This structure helps to eliminate duplicates.

Next step is post processing, such as packing links between nodes. By default cli_ospf_data tries to match and pack nodes based on the IP addresses and their subnets, it checks if IP addresses are part of same subnet using prefix lengths - 31, 30, 29, … 22 - if IP addresses happens to be part of same subnet, link packed in one link.

Last step is to populate N2G drawing with new nodes and links using from_dict method.

Features Supported

Support matrix

Platform Name

Router LSA

OSPF Peers

External LSA

Summary LSA

interface config

interface state








Required Commands output


  • show ip ospf database router - mandatory, used to source nodes and links for topology

  • show ip ospf database summary

  • show ip ospf database external


  • show ospf database router - mandatory, used to source nodes and links for topology

  • show ospf database summary

  • show ospf database external


  • display ospf lsdb router - mandatory, used to source nodes and links for topology

Sample usage

Code to populate yEd diagram object with OSPF LSDB sourced nodes and links:

from N2G import cli_l2_data, yed_diagram

data = {"cisco_xr": ['''
RP/0/RP0/CPU0:router-1#show ospf database router

            OSPF Router with ID ( (Process ID 1)

                Router Link States (Area

  LS age: 406
  Options: (No TOS-capability, DC)
  LS Type: Router Links
  Link State ID:
  Advertising Router:
  LS Seq Number: 8000010c
  Checksum: 0x24dd
  Length: 132
   Number of Links: 9

    Link connected to: another Router (point-to-point)
     (Link ID) Neighboring Router ID:
     (Link Data) Router Interface address:
      Number of TOS metrics: 0
       TOS 0 Metrics: 1100

    Link connected to: another Router (point-to-point)
     (Link ID) Neighboring Router ID:
     (Link Data) Router Interface address:
      Number of TOS metrics: 0
       TOS 0 Metrics: 1100

  Routing Bit Set on this LSA
  LS age: 1604
  Options: (No TOS-capability, DC)
  LS Type: Router Links
  Link State ID:
  Advertising Router:
  LS Seq Number: 8000010b
  Checksum: 0xdc96
  Length: 132
   Number of Links: 9

    Link connected to: another Router (point-to-point)
     (Link ID) Neighboring Router ID:
     (Link Data) Router Interface address:
      Number of TOS metrics: 0
       TOS 0 Metrics: 1100

    Link connected to: another Router (point-to-point)
     (Link ID) Neighboring Router ID:
     (Link Data) Router Interface address:
      Number of TOS metrics: 0
       TOS 0 Metrics: 1100

drawing = yed_diagram()
drawer = cli_ospf_data(drawing)

API Reference

class, ttp_vars: Optional[dict] = None, ip_lookup_data: Optional[dict] = None, add_connected: bool = False, ptp_filter: Optional[list] = None, add_data: bool = True)

Main class to instantiate OSPFv2 LSDB CLI Data Plugin object.

  • drawing – (obj) N2G Diagram object

  • ttp_vars – (dict) Dictionary to use as vars attribute while instantiating TTP parser object

  • ip_lookup_data – (dict or str) IP Lookup dictionary or OS path to CSV file

  • add_connected – (bool) if True, will add connected subnets as nodes, default is False

  • ptp_filter – (list) list of glob patterns to filter point-to-point links based on link IP

  • add_data – (bool) if True (default) adds data information to nodes and links

ip_lookup_data dictionary must be keyed by OSPF RID IP address, with values being dictionary which must contain hostname key with optional additional keys to use for N2G diagram module node, e.g. label, top_label, bottom_label, interface``etc. If ``ip_lookup_data is an OS path to CSV file, that file’s first column header must be ip , file must contain hostname column, other columns values set to N2G diagram module node attributes, e.g. label, top_label, bottom_label, interface etc.

If lookup data contains interface key, it will be added to link label.

Sample ip_lookup_data dictionary:

    "": {
        "hostname": "router-1",
        "bottom_label": "1 St address, City X",
        "interface": "Gi1"

Sample ip_lookup_data CSV file:

ip,hostname,bottom_label,interface,router-1,"1 St address, City X",Gi1

ptp_filter default list of patterns are:

  • 0* - Cisco MPLS TE forwarding adjacencies links

  • 112* - huawei DCN OSPF links


Method to parse OSPF LSDB data and add nodes and links to N2G drawing.


data – (dict or str) dictionary keyed by platform name or OS path string to directories with text files

If data is dictionary, keys must correspond to “Platform” column in Supported platforms table, values are lists of text items to process.

Data dictionary sample:

data = {
    "cisco_ios" : ["h1", "h2"],
    "cisco_ios": ["h3", "h4"],
    "cisco_nxos": ["h5", "h6"],

Where hX device’s show commands output.

If data is an OS path directory string, child directories’ names must correspond to Platform column in Features Supported section table. Each child directory should contain text files with show commands output for each device, names of files are arbitrary, but output should contain device prompt to extract device hostname.

Directories structure sample:

    │       switch1.txt
    │       switch2.txt

To point N2G to above location data attribute string can be /var/data/n2g/folder_with_data/