JSON Data Plugin

JSON data plugin loads structured data from JSON string and inputs it into diagram class - if JSON string produces list, uses from_list method, if JSON string produces dictionary uses from_dict method.

Sample Usage

Code to demonstrate how to use json_data plugin:

from N2G import v3d_diagramm
from N2G import json_data

sample_json_data = '''{
    "links": [{"data": {}, "label": "bla1", "source": "node-1", "src_label": "", "target": "node-2", "trgt_label": ""},
            {"data": {}, "label": "bla2", "source": "node-1", "src_label": "", "target": "node-3", "trgt_label": ""},
            {"data": {}, "label": "bla3", "source": "node-3", "src_label": "", "target": "node-5", "trgt_label": ""},
            {"data": {}, "label": "bla4", "source": "node-3", "src_label": "", "target": "node-4", "trgt_label": ""},
            {"data": {}, "label": "bla77", "source": "node-33", "src_label": "", "target": "node-44", "trgt_label": ""},
            {"data": {"cd": 123, "ef": 456}, "label": "bla6", "source": "node-6", "src_label": "", "target": "node-1", "trgt_label": ""}],
    "nodes": [{"color": "green", "data": {}, "id": "node-1", "label": "node-1", "nodeResolution": 16},
            {"color": "green", "data": {}, "id": "node-2", "label": "node-2", "nodeResolution": 8},
            {"color": "blue", "data": {"val": 4}, "id": "node-3", "label": "node-3", "nodeResolution": 8},
            {"color": "green", "data": {}, "id": "node-4", "label": "node-4", "nodeResolution": 8},
            {"color": "green", "data": {}, "id": "node-5", "label": "node-5", "nodeResolution": 8},
            {"color": "green", "data": {"a": "b", "c": "d"}, "id": "node-6", "label": "node-6", "nodeResolution": 8},
            {"color": "green", "data": {}, "id": "node-33", "label": "node-33", "nodeResolution": 8},
            {"color": "green", "data": {}, "id": "node-44", "label": "node-44", "nodeResolution": 8},
            {"color": "green", "data": {}, "id": "node-25", "label": "node-25", "nodeResolution": 8}]

v3d_drawing = create_v3d_diagram()
json_data(v3d_drawing, sample_json_data)

API Reference

N2G.plugins.data.json_data.json_data(drawing, data)

Function to load graph data from JSON text.

  • drawing – (obj) class object of one of N2G diagram plugins
  • data – (str) JSON string to load

If JSON string produces list, uses frm_list method, if dictionary uses from_dict method